Part-Part is a ratio that represents the relationship of one part of a whole to another part of the same whole.
It helps in making proportional judgments.
In Part-Part the degree of numerator is less than the degree of the denominator.
Suppose there are 10 marbles in a bag, out of which 3 are green in color and the remaining 7 are red in color. Then the part-part ratio of the green marbles to the red marbles is given as .
D. none of the above
Correct Answer: A
Step 1: Part-Part is a ratio that represents relation of one part of the whole to another part of the same whole.
Step 2: Given that the 25 out of 40 people attended the meeting and the remaining 15 abstained from the meeting.
Step 3: Then the part-part ratio of people who attended the meeting to those who abstained from the meeting is .