- Place Values of Base
Ten Number System
- Reading and Writing
Whole Numbers to 1,000,000
- Comparing Whole Numbers
through 6-Digits
Rounding Whole Numbers to nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000
- Adding Whole Numbers
with/without Regrouping
- Subtracting of 4-Digit Numbers
- Multiplying
Whole Numbers up to 2-Digit Multipliers
- Dividing Whole Number
with 1-Digit Divisor
Comparing/Ordering Fractions using Models-Unlike Denominators
- Equivalent
Fraction for a given Model or Fractions
- Sum of the Unit Fractions
- Multiplying Fractions
by Whole Numbers
- Adding Mixed Numbers-Like
- Subtracting Mixed
Numbers-Like Denominators
- Application
of Adding Fractions-Like Denominators
- Application
of Subtracting Fractions-Like Denominators
- Application
of Multiplying Fractions with Whole Numbers
Problems on Equivalent Fractions with Denominators 10 and 100
- Fractions related to Decimals
- Locating Decimals on a Number
- Comparing Decimals to Hundredths
- Multiplication Arrays
Problems on Multiplication and Division Involving Unknown Quantities
- Application of Multi-Step
- Application of
Estimating Sums and Differences
- Factors of Whole Number to 100
- Multiples of Whole Numbers
through 100
- Prime and Composite Numbers
- Extending
and Recognizing Geometric Patterns by its Rules
- Writing Numeric Patterns
given the Rule
- Points, Lines,
Line Segments, Rays and Angles
- Exploring
Intersecting, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Classifying Angles
- Two-dimensional Geometric Figures
- Identifying and Describing
Right Triangles
- Lines of Symmetry
- Converting Units
within the Customary System
- Converting Units within
Metric System
- Conversion Table for
a Measurement System
- Converting Units of Time
- Elapsed Time
- Operations Involving Money
- Problems Involving
Distances, Volumes and Masses
- Finding Perimeter
of Two Dimensional Figures
- Problems Involving Areas
of Rectangles
- Turns of Angles
- Measuring Angles - Protractor
- Finding Unknown Angle
Using an Equation
- Constructing
and Interpreting Line Plots using Fractions