Step: 1
The given fractions are 210 and 11100.
Step: 2
Here the denominators are 10 and 100. These denominators are different.
Step: 3
Before adding and subtracting fractions, the fractions should have equal denominators.
Step: 4
Take the LCD of the denominators 10 and 100. The LCD is 100.
Step: 5
: Now multiply both the numerators and denominators of the fractions 210 by 10 and 11100 by 1 to make the common denominator.
Step: 6
210 = 210 × 1010 = 2 × 1010 × 10 = 20100. Here 210 is equivalent to the fraction 20100.
Step: 7
11100 = 11100 × 11 = 11 × 1100 × 1 = 11100.
Step: 8
Now adding the two fractions 20100 and 11100
20100 + 11100.
Step: 9
Here denominators are common. So add the numerators directly.
Step: 10
20 + 11100 = 31100.
Correct Answer is : 20100 and 31100