Solved Examples and Worksheet for Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percents

Q1Which of the following is true?

A. 1.222 > 65
B. 1.222 < 65
C. 1.222 = 65
D. 1.222 < 56

Step: 1
1.222 < 65 = 1.222 < 1.2 which is not true.
  [Convert decimal to fraction.]
Step: 2
1.222 < 56 1.222 < 0.8333...which is not true.
  [Convert decimal to fraction.]
Step: 3
1.222 > 65 1.222 > 1.2 which is true.
  [Convert decimal to fraction.]
Step: 4
1.222 = 65 1.222 = 1.2 which is not true.
  [Convert decimal to fraction.]
Step: 5
Amongest the choices, 1.222 > 65is true.
Correct Answer is :   1.222 > 65
Q2Convert 25% into a fraction.

A. 14
B. 15
C. 720
D. 310

Step: 1
25% = 25100
  [Use 100 as denominator to write the percent as a fraction.]
Step: 2
= 25 ÷ 25100 ÷ 25 = 14
  [Divide numerator and the denominator with LCD, 25 to simplify the fraction.]
Step: 3
25% is equal to 14.
Correct Answer is :   14
Q3What are the decimal and percent equivalents of the fraction 25?
A. 0.4, 35%
B. 0.4, 45%
C. 0.4, 40%
D. 0.04, 40%

Step: 1
25 = 2 ÷ 5 = 0.4
  [Divide 2 by 5 to write as a decimal.]
Step: 2
25 = 2×205×20 = 40100
  [Multiply numerator and denominator by 20 to make the denominator 100.]
Step: 3
= 40%
  [Represent as a percent.]
Step: 4
The decimal and percent equivalents of 25 are 0.4 and 40%.
Correct Answer is :   0.4, 40%
Q4Every 100 gm of macaroni and cheese contains 44 gm of protein, 39 gm of fat and 17 gm of carbohydrates. What percent of fat is present in macaroni and cheese?
A. 39%
B. 47%
C. 35%
D. 41%

Step: 1
Fat content in macaroni and cheese = Weight of fat100
= 39100= 0.39
  [Divide 39 by 100.]
Step: 2
0.39 = 39%
  [Change decimal to percent by shifting the decimal point two places to the right.]
Step: 3
39% of fat is present in macaroni and cheese.
Correct Answer is :   39%
Q5Sam and Gary went to a restaurant and ordered a pizza. Sam ate 910 of it and Gary ate the rest. What percent of the pizza did Gary eat?
A. 25%
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 20%

Step: 1
Sam ate 9 out of 10 parts of pizza.
Step: 2
Gary ate = 1 out of 10 parts of pizza = 110
  [10 - 9 = 1]
Step: 3
= 1 × 1010 × 10 = 10100
  [Multiply numerator and denominator by 10 to make the denominator 100.]
Step: 4
= 10%
  [Represent as a percent.]
Step: 5
Gary ate 10% of the pizza.
Correct Answer is :   10%
Q6Identify the fractional form of the decimal 0.35 .

A. 411
B. 922
C. 821
D. 720

Step: 1
0.35 = 35100
  [Express decimal as a fraction.]
Step: 2
= 35 ÷ 5100 ÷ 5
  [Divide 35 and 100 by the GCF 5.]
Step: 3
= 720
Step: 4
The simplest fraction for 0.35 is 720.
Correct Answer is :   720
Q7The length of a dragonfly is 2.25 inches. Identify the length as an equivalent fraction.

A. 213 inches
B. 212 inches
C. 234 inches
D. 214 inches

Step: 1
2.25 = 225100
  [Express decimal as a mixed number.]
Step: 2
= 225 ÷ 25100 ÷ 25
  [Divide 25 and 100 by the GCF 25.]
Step: 3
= 214
Step: 4
The length of the dragonfly is 214 inches.
Correct Answer is :   214 inches
Q8Charles ate 211 of a pizza. Identify the decimal form for the fraction 211 .
A. 0.2
B. 1.81¯
C. 0.18¯
D. 0.5

Step: 1
211 = 2 ÷ 11
  [Divide numerator with denominator.]

Step: 2
211 = 0.1818. . . = 0.18¯
  [To represent a repeating decimal, draw a bar over the repeating digits.]
Correct Answer is :   0.18¯
Q91 cup of cooked black beans contains 3.5 mg of iron. Identify the equivalent fraction for the decimal.

A. 412 mg
B. 358 mg
C. 312 mg
D. 3120 mg

Step: 1
3.5 = 3510
  [Since 3.5 is 3 and 5 tenths, use 10 as denominator to express 3.5 as a mixed number.]
Step: 2
= 35÷510÷5
  [Simplify 510 using the GCF 5.]
Step: 3
= 312
Step: 4
The equivalent fraction for 3.5 mg is 312 mg.
Correct Answer is :   312 mg
Q10The length of the ear of a deer is 4.2 in. Which of the following expresses the decimal as a fraction?

A. 415 in.
B. 225 in.
C. 515 in.
D. 4150 in.

Step: 1
4.2 = 4210
  [Since 4.2 is 4 and 2 tenths, use 10 as a denominator to express 4.2 as a mixed number.]
Step: 2
= 42÷210÷2
  [Simplify 210 using the GCF 2.]
Step: 3
= 415
Step: 4
The equivalent fraction for 4.2 in. is 415 in.
Correct Answer is :   415 in.
Q11Victor collected 50 stamps. 14 of them are of Florida. What percent of the stamps are of Florida?

A. 23%
B. 33%
C. 28%
D. None of the above

Step: 1
[Number of stamps of Florida] / [total number of stamps] = 1450
Step: 2
= 14x250x2
  [Multiply both numerator and denominator by 2 to make denominator 100.]
Step: 3
= 28100 = 28%
  [Write the ratio as a percent.]
Step: 4
28% of the stamps are of Florida.
Correct Answer is :   28%
Q12Express 98% as a decimal number.

A. 0.98
B. 98
C. 9.8
D. 0.09

Step: 1
98% = 98100
  [Use 100 as denominator to write the percent as a fraction.]
Step: 2
98100 = 0.98
  [Move decimal two places to the left to convert the fraction into a decimal number.]
Step: 3
The decimal form of the percent is 0.98.
Correct Answer is :   0.98
Q1350% of the students in a class are boys. Express the percent in both fractional and decimal forms.

A. 23, 0.05
B. 1 , 0.5
C. 12, 0.05
D. 12, 0.5

Step: 1
50% = 50100
  [Convert the percent to a fraction.]
Step: 2
50100 = 12
Step: 3
12 = 0.5
  [Convert the fraction to a decimal number.]
Step: 4
The fractional and the decimal forms of the percent are 12 and 0.5.
Correct Answer is :   12, 0.5
Q14410 of the population in a town are males. Express the fraction in decimal and percent forms.

A. 0.4 and 40%
B. 0.4 and 20%
C. 0.04 and 20%
D. 0.04 and 40%

Step: 1
410 = 0.4
  [Convert the fraction into a decimal number.]
Step: 2
410 = 40100 = 40%
  [Convert the fraction to percent form.]
Step: 3
The equivalent decimal and percent forms of the fraction are 0.4 and 40%.
Correct Answer is :   0.4 and 40%
Q15Express the fraction 45 as a percent.
A. 8%
B. 85%
C. 0.8%
D. 80%

Step: 1
Convert the fraction to a decimal number.
45 = 0.8
  [Divide numerator by denominator.]
Step: 2
To convert 0.8 to a percent, we multiply by 100.
0.8 = 80%
  [0.8 × 100 = 80.]
Step: 3
45 = 0.8 = 80%
Correct Answer is :   80%