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Definition Of Equality

Equality is a state in which two things or values are always equal.

More About Equality

In the state of equality, both values on the left and the right side of the sign '=' will be the same.
The equality "A is equal to B" is written as "A = B".
If a number is added on both sides of an equality, then the value of the expression or equation remains the same i.e. if c is any real number, then x + c = y + c
If a number is subtracted from both sides of an equality, then the value of the expression or equation remains the same i.e.if c is any real number, then x - c = y - c

Video Examples:Subtraction Property of Equality

If a number is multiplied on both sides of an equality, then the value of the expression or equation remains the same i.e. if c is any real number, then x.c = y.c
If a number divides both sides of an equality, then the value of the expression or equation remains same i.e. if c is any real number, thenEquality

Example of Equality

6 x 8(= 48) is same as 12 x 4(= 48)

 example of  Equality
The number of trees in both the figures is equal.

Solved Example on Equality

Ques: Which of the expressions is equal to the expression 6 x 4?


A. 7 x 4
B. 8 x 3
C. 9 x 2
D. 3 x 4
Correct Answer: B


Step 1: The value of the expression 6 x 4 = 24.
Step 2: Among the given choices, only the value of 8 x 3 = 24.
Step 3: So, the expression 8 x 3 is equal to 6 x 4.