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Definition Of Vinculum

Vinculum is a horizontal bar that is drawn on a mathematical expression to indicate that they form a group.

More About Vinculum

Vinculum is a Latin word that means 'bond' or 'tie'.

Examples of Vinculum

The horizontal bar used in the given examples is vinculum

A radical -- 

For repeating decimals -- 

Line segment AB -- 

Complex conjugate -- 

Video Examples: The Vinculum

Solved Example on Vinculum

Ques: Which of the following is the correct vinculum sign used to represent the square root of the sum of the two numbers a and b?


Examples on Vinculum

Correct Answer: B


Step 1: Vinculum is a horizontal bar that is drawn on a mathematical expression to indicate that they form a group
Step 2: The vinculum form of the sum of the square root of the two numbers a and b is