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Definition Of Infinity

Infinity is a limitless quantity that is greater than every real number.

More About Infinity

The symbol for infinity '∞' is called the lemniscate.
Any number divided by zero is equal to infinity. For example:Infinity.
Any number divided by infinity is equal to zero. For example: Infinity.

Video Examples: Adding Past Infinity

Example of Infinity

In the Solar System, the planets such as the Earth move around the Sun from time 
immemorial and may go on to do so till infinity i.e. for a limitless time period.

Solved Example on Infinity

Ques: Which of the following is equivalent to infinity? 


A. 0/2
B. 4/0
C. Infinity
D. 2/5
Correct Answer: B


Step 1: Any number divided by zero is equal to infinity.
Step 2: Here, 4/0 is equal to infinity.