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Definition Of Heptahedron

A Heptahedron is a polyhedron with 7 faces.

More About Heptahedron

The term `hepta` is a prefix that stands for seven.

Example of Heptahedron

The above figure has 7 faces - six triangular faces and one hexagonal face. So, it is a heptahedron.

Video Examples: Acute and Obtuse Angles in Geometry

Solved Example on Heptahedron

Ques: Which of the following figures is a heptahedron?


A. Figure 1
B. Figure 2
C. Figure 3
D. Figure 4
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: Heptahedron is a three-dimensional figure with 7 faces.
Step 2: Among the figures, Figure 1 has seven faces as it is a pentagonal prism.
Step 3: Figure 2 has six faces as it is a rectangular prism.
Step 4: Figure 3 has five faces as it is a rectangular pyramid.
Step 5: Figure 4 has six faces as it is a pentagonal pyramid.
Step 6: So, Figure 1 is a heptahedron.