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Decimal Fraction

Definition Of Decimal Fraction

A Decimal Fraction is a fraction in which the denominator is a power of ten.

More About Decimal Fraction

Decimal fraction can be easily converted into decimal by inserting a decimal separator in the value of the numerator at the position from the right in accordance with the power of ten of the denominator.

Example of Decimal Fraction

 example of  Decimal Fraction  example of  Decimal Fraction  example of  Decimal Fraction are the examples of decimal fractions. These decimal fractions can be expressed as 2.3, 0.47, and 0.089 without the denominators.

Video Examples: Decimal Fractions

Solved Example on Decimal Fraction

Ques: A teacher asks Patrick to convert the decimal number 153.31 to the equivalent (decimal) fraction. What should be Patrick's answer?


A.  example of  Decimal Fraction
B.  example of  Decimal Fraction
C.  example of  Decimal Fraction
D.  example of  Decimal Fraction
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: 153.31 = 153 + 0.31 [Divide the decimal into real part and decimal part.]
Step 2: 0.31 =  example of  Decimal Fraction  [Convert the decimal to fraction.]
Step 3: 153 + 0.31 = 153 +  example of  Decimal Fraction  = 153  example of  Decimal Fraction  = example of  Decimal Fraction  [Substitute and convert the mixed fraction to improper fraction.]
Step 4: Patrick's answer should be  example of  Decimal Fraction .