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Definition Of Decahedron

A polygon with 12 sides and 12 angles is called a Dodecagon.

More About Decahedron

Each angle in a regular dodecagon is equal to 150°.
A dodecagon with all its 12 sides and 12 angles equal is called a regular dodecagon.

Example of Decahedron

 example of  Decahedron

The figure shown above has 12 sides and 12 angles, so it is dodecagon.

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Solved Example on Decahedron

Ques: Count the number of sides of the polygon.

 example of  Decahedron


A. 12
B. 10
C. 9
D. 11
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: This polygon has 12 sides and is called as dodecagon.