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Cubic Meter

Definition Of Cubic Meter

Cubic Meter is a standard metric unit for measuring volume.

More About Cubic Meter

1 cubic meter = 1,000 liters
1 liter = 0.001 m3
A cubic meter can be abbreviated as m3 or cu m.

Video Examples: How To Compute Cubic Meters

Example of Cubic Meter

 example of Cubic Meter

The volume of the cube i.e. V = length × width × height
= 1 meter × 1 meter × 1 meter
= 1 cubic meter.

Solved Example on Cubic Meter

Ques: Find the volume of the solid.

 example of Cubic Meter


A. 27 cubic meters
B. 16 cubic meters
C. 36 cubic meters
D. 32 cubic meters
Correct Answer: D


Step 1: Volume of the solid = l × w × h
Step 2: Volume V = 4 × 2 × 4 = 32 cubic meters [l = 4 meters, w = 2 meters, h = 4 meters.]
Step 3: So, the volume of the given solid is 32 cubic meters.