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Definition Of Arctangent

Arctangent is the inverse function of tangent. It is also written as arctan or tan-1. If y = tan x, then x = arctan y.

Examples of Arctangent

tan-1 1 = 450 or arctangent (1) = 450. This means that the angle 450 has tangent equal to 1.

Video Examples: Arctan Inverse Trig Function

Solved Example on Arctangent

Ques: Find the value of sec [arctan img].


A. img
B. img
C. img
D. img
Correct Answer: B


Step 1: Let B = arctan img. Then tan B = .img
Step 2: So, sec [arctan img] = sec [arctan(tan B)].
Step 3: = sec B 
Step 4: From the figure, we observe that sec B = img . 
example of ArctangentStep 5: So, sec[arctan img] = img.