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Definition Of Arc

An Arc is a curved line that is a part of a circle.

An Arc is a part of the circumference of a circle.

More About Arc

example of Arc

An arc of measure greater than 180 degrees is a major arc.
Arc LMN is a major arc, as the measure of arc LMN is greater than 1800.

example of Arc
An arc of measure less than 180 degrees is a minor arc.
Arc DEF is a minor arc, as the measure of arc DEF is less than 1800.
The arc length(L) of a circle of radius r and subtending an angle θ with the center of the circleis given as L = rθ.

Examples Of Arc

example of Arc

ACB and ADB are the two arcs in the given figure.

Video Examples: Maths - Shapes and Geometry - Circle Arc and Sector

Solved Example Clockple on Approximate


Which of the following lies on the circumference of a circle?


A. radius
B. arc
C. centre
D. diameter
Correct Answer: B


Step 1: An Arc is a part of the circumference of a circle.
Step 2: So, an arc lies on the circumference of a circle.