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Definition Of Y-Axis

The Coordinate plane is formed by the intersection of two number lines, a horizontal number line and a vertical number line. The vertical number line is called the y-axis.

Examples of Y Axis

The figure shows the coordinate plane formed by the intersection of the x and y-axes. Their point of intersection is called the origin

Video Examples: Where Does a Line Cross the X or Y Axis

Solved Examples on Y-Axis

Ques: Which of the following graphs has a point P on the y-axis?

Solved Examples on y-axis


A. Graph 1
B. Graph 2

Correct Answer: A


Step 1: The coordinate plane is formed by the intersection of two number lines, a horizontal number line and a vertical number line. The vertical number line is called the y-axis
Step 2: Graph 1 has the point P on the vertical number line i.e., on the y-axis.


Ques: Which of the following points lie on y-axis?


A. (1, 0)
B. (-1, -1)
C. (0, 1)
D. (1, 1)

Correct Answer: C


Step 1: We know that, the ordinate of a point on the y-axis is equal to zero
Step 2: So, point (0,1) lies on y-axis.