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Definition Of Ratio

A ratio is a comparison of two numbers by division.

Examples of Ratio

4 : 7, 1 : 6, 10 : 3 etc. are examples of ratio. 
Any ratio a : b can also be written as ‘a to b’ or .

Video Examples: Introduction to Ratios

Solved Example on Ratio

Ques: Write the ratio 32 ounce to 3 pounds in its simplest form.


A. 2:3
B. 3:2
C. 4:2
D. 2:4
Correct Answer: A


Step 1:  [Convert pounds to ounces in order have matching units.]
Step 2:  [Divide the numerator and the denominator by the G.C.F, 16.]
Step 3: The ratio of 32 ounces to 3 pounds is 2:3.