Radian is a unit used for measuring angles. 1 radian is equal to the angle subtended by the center of the circle by an arc on the circumference which is equal to the radius.
180° = π radians
1 degree = π /180 radians or about 0.01745 radians
1 radian = (π/180)° or about 57.296°
The full angle is 2 π radians and therefore is 360°.
A right angle is π / 2 radians
A straight angle is π radians.
A. 75°
B. 15°
C. 180°
D. 432°
Correct Answer: A
Step 1: π =
[Use 1 radian =
Step 2: 75°
A. 2π/15
B. 2π/5
C. 12π/15
D. 15π/12
Correct Answer: C
Step 1: 1 degree = π/180 radians
Step 2: 144° = 144° π/180 radians = 12π/15 radians