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Nth Root

Definition Of NthRoot

In an = b, where and b are real numbers and n is a positive integer, is an nth root of b. It can also be written as 

Examples of NthRoot

Following are some examples on Nth Root.
3 is the fouth root of 81. That is, 3 has to be multiplied by itself 4 times to give 81
2 is the sixth root of 64. That is, 2 has to be multiplied by itself 4 times to give 64
4 is the square root of 16.
5 is the cube root of 125.

Video Examples: Simplifying The Nth Root

Solved Example on NthRoot

Ques: Find: 


A. 2ab2 
B. 2a2b2
C. 2a6b2  
D. 2a2b
Correct Answer: A
