Definition of Weeds
Unwanted and undesired plants that grow naturally along with the desired main crop
More About Weeds
- They are not intentionally sown and are competitive, persistent, pernicious, interfering with the main crop
- Amaranthus and grasses are the examples of the weeds of wheat and rice plants
- They reduce the main crop yield as they compete with the main crop for
- Soil nutrients
- Water
- Space
- Sunlight
- The main characteristics of the weeds are as follows:
- Weeds grow naturally
- Faster establishment than the main crop
- High seed production
- Long term seed survival
- Well developed reproductive structures
- Adapted for spread in diverse habitat
- They interfere with the harvest by contaminating the product quality
- They either serve as host for crop diseases or provide shelter to insect and microbes that harm them
- They are sometimes thought of benefitting the nature when following are considered
- Stabilizing the soil
- Adding aesthetic value
- Habitat and feed for wild life
- Adding to the organic biomass