Definition of Rickets
Deficiency disease caused due to the lack of Vitamin D, calcium or phosphate in the body
More About Rickets
- Rickets is generally observed among children of developing countries aged between 6-24 months
- The bones of the rickets’ patient become soft and weak and are more prone to bone fractures
- The legs curve outward and appear bow like and hence is also known as bowleg disease
- Symptoms also include knock-knee, ribs become deformed leading to pigeon breast
- They are more prone to dental problems and spinal deformities
- The muscle become weak and uncontrolled muscle spams occur a condition known as tetany
- Children aged between 6-24 months are more prone to the risks of Rickets as the bones grow rapidly at this age
- Vitamin D deficiency causes Rickets as well as Osteomalacia
- Vitamin D is also produced by the mammalian skin when exposed to sunlight (i.e., U.V.rays). When exposed to the sunlight human cells convert Vitamin D from inactive state to active state
- It is required for the proper absorption of calcium from the intestine
- Absence of Vitamin D in the diet or less exposure to sunlight thereby leads to the lower or no absorption of Calcium, a condition known as Hypocalcaemia
- The presence of Rickets can be tested by Blood Test that tests the calcium levels, or by X-Rays of affected bones
- Anthracitic is the term used for the treatment and prevention of Rickets
- It can be treated with dietary intake of calcium, phosphorous and Vitamin D supplements and appropriate exposure to sunlight
- Vitamin D food sources are Cod liver oil, butter, Eggs, Margarine, Milk and its products, Oily fishes such as tuna, herring, salmon and Fish liver oils, soyabeans, bread made with fortified flour
Questions related to Rickets:
1) Which among the following is/are responsible for the Rickets?
a) Calcium
b) Phosphorous
c) Vitamin D
d) All the above
Solution: (d) Rickets is caused mainly due to the deficiency of Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorous
2) Which among the following is one among the various symptoms of Rickets?
a) Bleeding gums
b) Pigeon breast
c) Knock knee
d) Both b and c
Solution: (d) Pigeon breast and Knock knee condition arises due to the deficiency of Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorous