Cartilaginous Joints

Cartilaginous Joints

Definition of Cartilaginous Joints

Joints formed between the bones that are connected by cartilage

More About Cartilaginous Joints

  • Cartilaginous joints are connected by cartilage, generally fibrocartilage or hyaline
  • Synovial cavity is absent
  • The cartilage is tough but a flexible connective tissue
  • They allow more movement of the joints when compared to the fibrous joints but less than the synovial joints
  • There are two types of cartilaginous joints
    • 1) Synchondroses (singular- a synchondrosis) :

      It is also known as primary cartilaginous joints
      Here the articulating bones are connected by hyaline cartilage
      It is an immovable joint and hence is known as ‘synarthrotic joint’
      Sometimes it may be converted into a bone before adult life and hence
      It is not a permanent joint
      i) The first sternocostal joint, in which the first rib articulates with the sternum by costal cartilage
      ii) Between the epiphyses and diaphysis of the long bones such as humerus (upper arm) and femur (upper leg) bone

      2) Symphyses (singular- a symphysis):

      It is also known as secondary cartilaginous joints.
      Here the articulating bones are connected by fibrocartilage and sometimes hyaline too
      It is slightly movable joint and hence is known as ‘amphiarthrotic joint’
      It is a permanent joint and does not change in the adult life
      i) Pubic symphyses between the anterior surfaces of the hip bones
      ii) Between the body of the sternum and the xiphoid process of sternum
      iii) Intervertebral discs between the bodies of vertebrae

Questions based on Cartilaginous joints:

1) The cartilaginous joints are articulated by ____

a) Collagen
b) Hyaline
c) Fibrocartilage
d) Both b and c

Solution: (d) The cartilaginous joints are articulated either by fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage

2) Cartilaginous joints are include into which of the following functional categories of joints?

a) Synarthrodial
b) Amphiarthrodial
c) Diarthrodial
d) Both a and b

Solution: (d) Cartilaginous joints are of functionally two types synarthrodial and amphiarthrodial