Definition Of Condensation

Definition Of Condensation


The process by which water vapour in the air is changed into liquid water.
Cold air can hold less water vapour than warm air, so if humid air is suddenly cooled, some of the water vapour may condense.
Example: Take a cool drink bottle from the refrigerator. Wipe the bottle from outside with a clean piece of cloth. Place the same on a table and wait for two or three minutes. Water droplets are observed on the outer surface of the cool drink bottle. 

Reason: The cool surface of the glass containing chilled soft drink, cools the air around it, and the water vapour of the air condenses on the outer surface of the glass.

what is condensation

More About Condensation

Process of condensation plays an important role in bringing water back to the surface of earth.
Hot air present on the ground rises up. As rises up it cools.
Cool air condenses to form a cloud.
At sufficient heights, the air becomes so cool that the water vapour present in it condenses to form tiny drops of water.
These tiny droplets that remain floating in air appear to us as clouds.
Ice crystals begin forming; these ice crystals melt while coming down forming rain.
Condensation is opposite to vaporization.
A gas is called a vapour if it can be turned back into a liquid by compressing it.

Examples of Condensation

Ground level fog is forming because of condensation.
The inner walls of the refrigerator are filled with water droplets because of condensation.
The top of the air conditioner filled with water droplets due to condensation.
Condensation takes place on the cold beverages at hot temperature.

Related Terms: Vaporization | Evaporation